Party Wall Surveyors Southend If you are to carry out any building works, an extension of your home or roof conversion you may need to provide by law Party Wall Notices to the adjoining neighbours we can help you do this. It only takes a few minutes of looking at your plans to advise if you would require any further services, so why not give us a call to discuss…
party wall advice southend
Party Wall Surveyors Essex
Party Wall Surveyors Essex Dont be caught out and unprepared. As a building owner you are responsible for ensuring the Party Wall process is followed- not your contractors – but it can help you and them to get on with your project , provide access when you think you may not get it and give you the rights to carry out the works you need to do. If you have…
Party Wall Surveyors Essex
Party Wall Surveyors Essex If you have a forthcoming project that you have been informed or you think may require notices to the be serviced in regards to the the Party Wall Act 1996 then we can help. We ensure that your notices are correct, and served in the appropriate manner, that all correspondence with adjoining owners is quick allowing you to hopefully progress with the consent of your neighbours…